토너먼트 초중반 플레이 예시

❇️ 홀덤라이프 인증업체 ❇️
가입코드 : u888
❇️ 홀덤라이프 인증업체 ❇️
가입코드 : vvv777
❇️ 홀덤라이프 인증업체 ❇️
가입코드 : u888
❇️ 홀덤라이프 인증업체 ❇️
가입코드 :

토너먼트 초중반 플레이 예시
댓글 0 조회   1127

게시글 보기

제가 플레이한 핸드를 올리는 것은 여러분들에게 도움이 되기를 바래서 올리는 것입니다

제 플레이를 자랑하기 위해서 올리는 것도 아니고 칭찬을 듣기 위해 올리는 것도 아닙니다.

이번 토너는 11불 페이즈 토너 이고 91명의 참가자중 10명이 다음단계로 가는 일종의 새틀라잇 토너이지만

블라인드 구조가 레귤러 토너이므로 머니인까지의 초중반 플레이를 연습하기 좋은 토너라고 할수 있겠습니다

3시간 정도 플레이하였고 총 200여 핸드를 플레이했습니다

초반 100핸드의 참전율은 33% 정도.....나중 100핸드는 테이블에 전체 칩리더와 세컨칩리더가 있어서 15% 정도로 타이트하게 플레이했습니다

토너먼트 초중반의 정석적인 플레이들이 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다


PokerStars Hand #147642054841: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (20/40) - 2016/01/25 19:38:10 JST [2016/01/25 5:38:10 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #6 is the button

Seat 1: edynext1993 (5200 in chips)

Seat 2: EasyCompanE (5098 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (5264 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (5032 in chips)

Seat 5: Doctor M17 (3598 in chips)

Seat 6: V.Bilenkiy (6242 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (5250 in chips)

Seat 8: Montserrigo (4992 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (4634 in chips)

edynext1993: posts the ante 4

EasyCompanE: posts the ante 4

grecu2006: posts the ante 4

Donatas.l: posts the ante 4

Doctor M17: posts the ante 4

V.Bilenkiy: posts the ante 4

pat7cy: posts the ante 4

Montserrigo: posts the ante 4

Aris9911: posts the ante 4

pat7cy: posts small blind 20

Montserrigo: posts big blind 40

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [Ks Ac]

Aris9911: raises 56 to 96  -------> 언더더건에서 AK 로 오픈 레이즈, 4명 콜해서 멀티웨이

edynext1993: folds

EasyCompanE: folds

grecu2006: folds

Donatas.l: folds

Doctor M17: calls 96

V.Bilenkiy: folds

pat7cy: calls 76

Montserrigo: calls 56

*** FLOP *** [3d 5s 2h] --------> 로우 플랍에 컨벳하니 한명이 콜하네요

pat7cy: checks

Montserrigo: checks

Aris9911: bets 189

Doctor M17: folds

pat7cy: calls 189

Montserrigo: folds

*** TURN *** [3d 5s 2h] [8h] ----> 별 의미 없는 턴카드에 더블배럴로 오버파켓을 주장해봅니다....리레이즈 나오면 던져야겠죠.....상대 콜만하네요...미들 파켓인거 같습니다

pat7cy: checks

Aris9911: bets 359

pat7cy: calls 359

*** RIVER *** [3d 5s 2h 8h] [2c] -----> 리버는 거의 낫띵이고 3배럴 블러프를 하였습니다....상대 폴드하네요

pat7cy: checks

Aris9911: bets 1080

pat7cy: folds

Uncalled bet (1080) returned to Aris9911

Aris9911 collected 1516 from pot

Aris9911: doesn't show hand


PokerStars Hand #147642347385: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (30/60) - 2016/01/25 19:48:18 JST [2016/01/25 5:48:18 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

Seat 2: EasyCompanE (4530 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (5154 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (6110 in chips)

Seat 5: Doctor M17 (4352 in chips)

Seat 6: V.Bilenkiy (5928 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (4156 in chips)

Seat 8: Montserrigo (4634 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (5590 in chips)

EasyCompanE: posts the ante 6

grecu2006: posts the ante 6

Donatas.l: posts the ante 6

Doctor M17: posts the ante 6

V.Bilenkiy: posts the ante 6

pat7cy: posts the ante 6

Montserrigo: posts the ante 6

Aris9911: posts the ante 6

EasyCompanE: posts small blind 30

grecu2006: posts big blind 60

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [3h Ad]

Donatas.l: folds

Doctor M17: raises 60 to 120

V.Bilenkiy: folds

pat7cy: folds

Montserrigo: calls 120

Aris9911: raises 240 to 360  --------> 버튼에서 오픈레이즈에 콜러두고 3벳 합니다...둘다 콜하네요

EasyCompanE: folds

grecu2006: folds

Doctor M17: calls 240

Montserrigo: calls 240

*** FLOP *** [Qd 3s 7d]  ----------> 바텀페어로 컨벳하니 리레이즈가 나옵니다....만일 Q 라면 3벳 선수 컨벳에 거의 콜이 나왔을 거 같은데....1. AJs 같은 플러시드로우이거나 2. 33 77 같은 셋 가능성이 약간 있네요...일단 콜합니다

Doctor M17: checks

Montserrigo: checks

Aris9911: bets 548

Doctor M17: folds

Montserrigo: raises 1192 to 1740

Aris9911: calls 1192

*** TURN *** [Qd 3s 7d] [Ah] ---------> 턴 A 가 떴는데 올인이 나오네요....팟 2/3 정도입니다

Montserrigo: bets 2528 and is all-in

Aris9911: calls 2528   -------------> 시간 다쓰고 고민하다가 콜합니다. 77 가능성이 있지만 콜하는 것이 낫다고 생각했습니다.

*** RIVER *** [Qd 3s 7d Ah] [9s]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Montserrigo: shows [Kd 6d] (high card Ace)  -----> K6s 으로 3벳을 콜했네요...다행입니다.

Aris9911: shows [3h Ad] (two pair, Aces and Threes)

Aris9911 collected 9754 from pot


PokerStars Hand #147642724287: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (40/80) - 2016/01/25 20:01:37 JST [2016/01/25 6:01:37 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

Seat 1: sormunen (2875 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (4776 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (7493 in chips)

Seat 5: Doctor M17 (6691 in chips)

Seat 6: V.Bilenkiy (5655 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (3757 in chips)

Seat 8: Evildimir (6628 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (10329 in chips)

sormunen: posts the ante 8

grecu2006: posts the ante 8

Donatas.l: posts the ante 8

Doctor M17: posts the ante 8

V.Bilenkiy: posts the ante 8

pat7cy: posts the ante 8

Evildimir: posts the ante 8

Aris9911: posts the ante 8

sormunen: posts small blind 40

grecu2006: posts big blind 80

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [Tc Kc]

Donatas.l: folds

Doctor M17: folds

V.Bilenkiy: raises 100 to 180

pat7cy: folds

Evildimir: calls 180

Aris9911: calls 180  ------> 미들 오픈에 콜, 멀티웨이

sormunen: calls 140

grecu2006: calls 100

*** FLOP *** [7s 8d Kh]

sormunen: checks

grecu2006: checks

V.Bilenkiy: bets 642   -------> 멀티웨이에서 레이저의 강한 컨벳, AK 나 AA 예상

Evildimir: calls 642

Aris9911: calls 642   -------> 일단 콜

sormunen: folds

grecu2006: folds

*** TURN *** [7s 8d Kh] [2d]

V.Bilenkiy: bets 1760   -------> 턴 낫띵에 다시 강한 벳...콜까지 나오네요.....이지 폴드

Evildimir: calls 1760

Aris9911: folds

*** RIVER *** [7s 8d Kh 2d] [6c]

V.Bilenkiy: bets 3065 and is all-in

Evildimir: folds

Uncalled bet (3065) returned to V.Bilenkiy

V.Bilenkiy collected 6410 from pot

V.Bilenkiy: doesn't show hand


PokerStars Hand #147642936383: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (40/80) - 2016/01/25 20:08:47 JST [2016/01/25 6:08:47 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #8 is the button

Seat 2: sombrero21 (4976 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (4020 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (7581 in chips)

Seat 5: Doctor M17 (6115 in chips)

Seat 6: V.Bilenkiy (9307 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (5794 in chips)

Seat 8: Evildimir (1370 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (9875 in chips)

sombrero21: posts the ante 8

grecu2006: posts the ante 8

Donatas.l: posts the ante 8

Doctor M17: posts the ante 8

V.Bilenkiy: posts the ante 8

pat7cy: posts the ante 8

Evildimir: posts the ante 8

Aris9911: posts the ante 8

Aris9911: posts small blind 40

sombrero21: posts big blind 80

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [Ah Qd]

grecu2006: folds

Donatas.l: folds

Doctor M17: raises 80 to 160

V.Bilenkiy: folds

pat7cy: folds

Evildimir: raises 1202 to 1362 and is all-in  ----> 미들의 오픈레이즈에 숏스택 올인이 나온상황

Aris9911: calls 1322   -----------> AQ 은 숏스택 레인지에는 앞서있지만 오픈레이저가 만일 올인박으면 폴드를 고려해야 합니다. 여기서 리레이즈 올인이 좋지 않은 이유는 숏스택 올인에 리레이즈 올인해봐야 AK, 1010+ 는 콜하기 때문에 콜하는 것과 리레이즈 올인이 별로 차이가 없습니다. 다만 콜만 할 경우 레이저가 99 88 AQ 같은 핸드로 셔브할 경우 배드 폴드를 해야 하지만 감내해야하는 부분입니다

sombrero21: folds

Doctor M17: folds  ----------> 다행히 죽어주네요

*** FLOP *** [Ad 6d 2c]

*** TURN *** [Ad 6d 2c] [Qh]

*** RIVER *** [Ad 6d 2c Qh] [7s]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Aris9911: shows [Ah Qd] (two pair, Aces and Queens)

Evildimir: shows [Ac 9c] (a pair of Aces)

Aris9911 collected 3028 from pot

Evildimir finished the tournament in 56th place


PokerStars Hand #147642959547: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (40/80) - 2016/01/25 20:09:33 JST [2016/01/25 6:09:33 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (5000 in chips) out of hand (moved from another table into small blind)

Seat 2: sombrero21 (4888 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (4012 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (7573 in chips)

Seat 5: Doctor M17 (5947 in chips)

Seat 6: V.Bilenkiy (9299 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (5786 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (11533 in chips)

sombrero21: posts the ante 8

grecu2006: posts the ante 8

Donatas.l: posts the ante 8

Doctor M17: posts the ante 8

V.Bilenkiy: posts the ante 8

pat7cy: posts the ante 8

Aris9911: posts the ante 8

sombrero21: posts small blind 40

grecu2006: posts big blind 80

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [2h Ah]

Donatas.l: folds

Doctor M17: raises 80 to 160

V.Bilenkiy: calls 160

pat7cy: folds

Aris9911: raises 320 to 480  -------> 테이블 칩리더 이므로 이런 핸드로 포지션을 잡고 3벳을 하는 전략이 괜찮습니다...역시 루즈한 이미지라 상대들이 폴드하지 않네요 ㅎㅎㅎ

sombrero21: folds

grecu2006: folds

Doctor M17: calls 320 

V.Bilenkiy: calls 320

*** FLOP *** [Kc 2s 3h]

Doctor M17: checks

V.Bilenkiy: checks

Aris9911: checks  ------------> 3벳 선수에게 유리한 플랍이지만 첵백했습니다

*** TURN *** [Kc 2s 3h] [4h] -----> 턴에 핸드가 발전해서 플러시드로우와 것샷, 원오버카드에 페어가 있습니다. 만일 벳이 나오면 리레이즈를 했을 것이지만 첵이 나와 벳하였더니 모두 폴드해주네요

Doctor M17: checks

V.Bilenkiy: checks

Aris9911: bets 727

Doctor M17: folds

V.Bilenkiy: folds

Uncalled bet (727) returned to Aris9911

Aris9911 collected 1616 from pot

Aris9911: doesn't show hand


PokerStars Hand #147643032143: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (50/100) - 2016/01/25 20:11:58 JST [2016/01/25 6:11:58 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #4 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (4984 in chips)

Seat 2: sombrero21 (5452 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (3868 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (7251 in chips)

Seat 5: Doctor M17 (5203 in chips)

Seat 6: V.Bilenkiy (8795 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (6114 in chips)

Seat 8: Efremenko.A (4726 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (12645 in chips)

antuniss: posts the ante 10

sombrero21: posts the ante 10

grecu2006: posts the ante 10

Donatas.l: posts the ante 10

Doctor M17: posts the ante 10

V.Bilenkiy: posts the ante 10

pat7cy: posts the ante 10

Efremenko.A: posts the ante 10

Aris9911: posts the ante 10

Doctor M17: posts small blind 50

V.Bilenkiy: posts big blind 100

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [Ks Kc]

pat7cy: folds

Efremenko.A: raises 400 to 500  ----> 얼리에서 강한 오픈 레이즈

Aris9911: raises 800 to 1300  ------> 당연한 3벳.

antuniss: folds

sombrero21: folds

grecu2006: folds

Donatas.l: folds

Doctor M17: folds

V.Bilenkiy: folds

Efremenko.A: calls 800   ---------.콜하네요

*** FLOP *** [4h Kh Td]

Efremenko.A: bets 3416 and is all-in   -------> 플랍 탑셋인데 올인 나옵니다....AK 나 TT, QJs ?

Aris9911: calls 3416

*** TURN *** [4h Kh Td] [9h]

*** RIVER *** [4h Kh Td 9h] [9d]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Efremenko.A: shows [7s Js] (a pair of Nines)  ---------> 어이없는 카드가 나오네요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

Aris9911: shows [Ks Kc] (a full house, Kings full of Nines)

Aris9911 collected 9672 from pot



PokerStars Hand #147643271993: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (50/100) - 2016/01/25 20:19:48 JST [2016/01/25 6:19:48 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #5 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (5304 in chips)

Seat 2: sombrero21 (5593 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (3467 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (6251 in chips)

Seat 5: shameny (5860 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (5214 in chips)

Seat 8: TorNadO147 (6695 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (15676 in chips)

antuniss: posts the ante 10

sombrero21: posts the ante 10

grecu2006: posts the ante 10

Donatas.l: posts the ante 10

shameny: posts the ante 10

pat7cy: posts the ante 10

TorNadO147: posts the ante 10

Aris9911: posts the ante 10

pat7cy: posts small blind 50

TorNadO147: posts big blind 100

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [Kc Ac]

Aris9911: raises 115 to 215  ------> AK 로 언더에서 오픈, 빅블이 콜하네요

antuniss: folds

sombrero21: folds

grecu2006: folds

Donatas.l: folds

shameny: folds

pat7cy: folds

TorNadO147: calls 115

*** FLOP *** [3d As Tc]  --------> 탑페어 레인보우.....상대 첵에 첵백으로 슬로우 플레이

TorNadO147: checks

Aris9911: checks

*** TURN *** [3d As Tc] [2s] -----> 턴 낫띵에 벳나와 콜만

TorNadO147: bets 280

Aris9911: calls 280

*** RIVER *** [3d As Tc 2s] [3h] ------> 리버 벳에 콜만 하였습니다...컨서버티브 플레이

TorNadO147: bets 560

Aris9911: calls 560

*** SHOW DOWN ***

TorNadO147: shows [Ah 5d] (two pair, Aces and Threes) ----->리버 리레이즈에는 폴드했겠네요

Aris9911: shows [Kc Ac] (two pair, Aces and Threes - King kicker)

Aris9911 collected 2240 from pot


PokerStars Hand #147643563619: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (75/150) - 2016/01/25 20:29:04 JST [2016/01/25 6:29:04 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #1 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (4585 in chips)

Seat 2: sombrero21 (10753 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (3885 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (7361 in chips)

Seat 5: shameny (9057 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (3568 in chips)

Seat 8: retsmaps (6965 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (12886 in chips)

antuniss: posts the ante 15

sombrero21: posts the ante 15

grecu2006: posts the ante 15

Donatas.l: posts the ante 15

shameny: posts the ante 15

pat7cy: posts the ante 15

retsmaps: posts the ante 15

Aris9911: posts the ante 15

sombrero21: posts small blind 75

grecu2006: posts big blind 150

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [2h 3h]

Donatas.l: raises 165 to 315

shameny: calls 315

pat7cy: folds

retsmaps: folds

Aris9911: calls 315   ----------> 베이비 수딧으로 언더더건 오픈에 콜러두고 참전

antuniss: folds

sombrero21: folds

grecu2006: folds

*** FLOP *** [3s 8h 9h] ------> 나름 최상의 플랍...레이저 첵하고 벳이 나와 리레이즈 합니다

Donatas.l: checks

shameny: bets 645

Aris9911: raises 1005 to 1650

Donatas.l: folds

shameny: calls 1005    ---------> 상대 콜하네요....플러시 드로우나 A9, 1010 같은 핸드로 생각됩니다...만일 8 셋 같은 핸드였다면 올인이 나왔을 것입니다.

*** TURN *** [3s 8h 9h] [2d]

shameny: checks

Aris9911: bets 10906 and is all-in  ----> 턴 투페어로 올인합니다......상대 레인지에 플러시 드로우가 있어서 리버까지 가고 싶지 않았습니다.....여기서 2000 정도의 벳을 하는 것은 가능하지만 리버에 쫑이 나거나 A 가 뜨거나 플러시가 완성되면 거의 첵백을 해야 할 것입니다.

shameny: folds

Uncalled bet (10906) returned to Aris9911

Aris9911 collected 4590 from pot

Aris9911: doesn't show hand



PokerStars Hand #147643670362: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (100/200) - 2016/01/25 20:32:23 JST [2016/01/25 6:32:23 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #5 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (4520 in chips)

Seat 2: sombrero21 (10613 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (3595 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (3308 in chips)

Seat 5: shameny (6837 in chips)

Seat 6: Loki989989 (1827 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (7581 in chips)

Seat 8: retsmaps (6900 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (15446 in chips)

antuniss: posts the ante 20

sombrero21: posts the ante 20

grecu2006: posts the ante 20

Donatas.l: posts the ante 20

shameny: posts the ante 20

Loki989989: posts the ante 20

pat7cy: posts the ante 20

retsmaps: posts the ante 20

Aris9911: posts the ante 20

Loki989989: posts small blind 100

pat7cy: posts big blind 200

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [Js Qs]

retsmaps: folds

Aris9911: raises 230 to 430  -----> 얼리에서 오픈

antuniss: folds

sombrero21: calls 430  --------> 세컨 칩리더 콜

grecu2006: folds

Donatas.l: folds

shameny: folds

Loki989989 has timed out

Loki989989: folds

Loki989989 is sitting out

pat7cy: calls 230   -----------> 빅블 콜

*** FLOP *** [Qh Kh Td]  ------> 세컨 페어에 스트레이트 드로우지만 컨벳후 이런 젖은 보드에서 리레이즈 맞으면 곤란합니다...

pat7cy: checks

Aris9911: checks

sombrero21: bets 879  ------> 첵하자 벳이 나옵니다...거의 K 이겠네요

pat7cy: folds

Aris9911: calls 879

*** TURN *** [Qh Kh Td] [7d] -----> 턴 낫띵에 다시 벳이 나옵니다.....거의 KQ 이나 KJ 같은 핸드인데 여기서 폴드할 수 있지만 콜하였습니다....리버에 콜러에게 유리한 카드가 떨어지면 블러프가 가능합니다.

Aris9911: checks

sombrero21: bets 1863

Aris9911: calls 1863

*** RIVER *** [Qh Kh Td 7d] [Ah]  ---> 리버에 스트레이트지만 하트 플러시 보드...첵하니 상대 첵하네요....얼마를 치던 콜하였을 것입니다...상대는 KQ 투페어 였네요.....플랍 벳했으면 리레이즈 맞고 곤란했을 것이지만 첵콜 플레이로 리버까지 간게 주효했습니다.

Aris9911: checks

sombrero21: checks

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Aris9911: shows [Js Qs] (a straight, Ten to Ace)

sombrero21: mucks hand

Aris9911 collected 7054 from pot


PokerStars Hand #147643755738: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (100/200) - 2016/01/25 20:35:00 JST [2016/01/25 6:35:00 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #7 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (4480 in chips)

Seat 2: sombrero21 (7401 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (3555 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (5435 in chips)

Seat 5: shameny (6797 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (7011 in chips)

Seat 8: retsmaps (6660 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (19288 in chips)

antuniss: posts the ante 20

sombrero21: posts the ante 20

grecu2006: posts the ante 20

Donatas.l: posts the ante 20

shameny: posts the ante 20

pat7cy: posts the ante 20

retsmaps: posts the ante 20

Aris9911: posts the ante 20

retsmaps: posts small blind 100

Aris9911: posts big blind 200

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [Ts Qc]

antuniss: folds

sombrero21: folds

grecu2006: folds

Donatas.l: folds

shameny: folds

pat7cy: raises 200 to 400

retsmaps: folds

Aris9911: calls 200   -------> 버튼 오픈에 빅블에서 방어 들어갑니다

*** FLOP *** [8h 3d Kh] -----> 플랍 미스했는데 상대가 첵백 하네요

Aris9911: checks

pat7cy: checks

*** TURN *** [8h 3d Kh] [7d]

Aris9911: bets 477   --------> 여기서는 벳을 하는 것이 좋습니다......상대가 K 로 슬로우를 했을 수 있지만 벳을 한번은 해봐야 합니다. 특히 내가 칩리더일때는 이런 플레이를 자주 하는 것이 좋습니다

pat7cy: folds

Uncalled bet (477) returned to Aris9911

Aris9911 collected 1060 from pot

Aris9911: doesn't show hand


압도적 칩리더에서 흐름이 꺾인 핸드

PokerStars Hand #147643788967: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (100/200) - 2016/01/25 20:36:02 JST [2016/01/25 6:36:02 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #9 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (4240 in chips)

Seat 2: sombrero21 (7361 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (3515 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (5395 in chips)

Seat 5: shameny (6757 in chips)

Seat 6: HardMoneys (6192 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (5511 in chips)

Seat 8: retsmaps (8040 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (19808 in chips)

antuniss: posts the ante 20

sombrero21: posts the ante 20

grecu2006: posts the ante 20

Donatas.l: posts the ante 20

shameny: posts the ante 20

HardMoneys: posts the ante 20

pat7cy: posts the ante 20

retsmaps: posts the ante 20

Aris9911: posts the ante 20

antuniss: posts small blind 100

sombrero21: posts big blind 200

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [2s 2h] 

grecu2006: folds

Donatas.l: raises 220 to 420

shameny: folds

HardMoneys: folds

pat7cy: folds

retsmaps: folds

Aris9911: calls 420  ------> 얼리 오픈에 콜

antuniss: calls 320

sombrero21: folds

*** FLOP *** [Td 2d 9s] ----> 셋 완성.....레이저 첵에 벳하니 콜합니다

antuniss: checks

Donatas.l: checks

Aris9911: bets 738

antuniss: folds

Donatas.l: calls 738

*** TURN *** [Td 2d 9s] [7h]  ------> 턴 7 에 벳하니 리레이즈 올인이 나옵니다.....TT 일 수 있지만 죽을 수 없는 상황이고 콜합니다.....

Donatas.l: checks

Aris9911: bets 1121

Donatas.l: raises 3096 to 4217 and is all-in

Aris9911: calls 3096

*** RIVER *** [Td 2d 9s 7h] [4c]

*** SHOW DOWN ***

Donatas.l: shows [7s 7c] (three of a kind, Sevens) -----> 77 로 턴 셋오버셋이네요 ㅠㅠ...비록 불운했지만 칩리더였던 덕분으로 크게 타격을 입지는 않았습니다.....이런 이유로 초반에 칩을 쌓는 것이 중요합니다

이런 패배에도 흔들리지 않을만한 칩을 가지고 있어서 다음 플레이에 거의 영향을 받지 않습니다

Aris9911: shows [2s 2h] (three of a kind, Deuces)

Donatas.l collected 11550 from pot


PokerStars Hand #147644122481: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (125/250) - 2016/01/25 20:46:08 JST [2016/01/25 6:46:08 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #4 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (4825 in chips)

Seat 2: sombrero21 (7028 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (2038 in chips)

Seat 4: Donatas.l (15742 in chips)

Seat 5: dezza15823 (15811 in chips)

Seat 6: HardMoneys (14102 in chips)

Seat 7: pat7cy (3921 in chips)

Seat 8: retsmaps (4695 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (14743 in chips)

antuniss: posts the ante 25

sombrero21: posts the ante 25

grecu2006: posts the ante 25

Donatas.l: posts the ante 25

dezza15823: posts the ante 25

HardMoneys: posts the ante 25

pat7cy: posts the ante 25

retsmaps: posts the ante 25

Aris9911: posts the ante 25

dezza15823: posts small blind 125

HardMoneys: posts big blind 250

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [Ts 9s]

pat7cy: folds

retsmaps: folds

Aris9911: raises 350 to 600  ----> 얼리에서 수딧 커넥터로 오픈 레이즈

antuniss: folds

sombrero21: folds

grecu2006: folds

Donatas.l: folds

dezza15823: folds

HardMoneys: calls 350  -------> 루즈 어그레시브 슈퍼 콜러 러시안 빅블에서 콜

*** FLOP *** [4h 7d 5s]  ------> 콜러에게 유리한 플랍에 삥벳이 나오네요...리레이즈 할수 있지만 러시안이라서 콜만합니다 

HardMoneys: bets 250

Aris9911: calls 250

*** TURN *** [4h 7d 5s] [Tc] ----> 다행히 턴에 탑페어가 되고 상대 첵에 벳하니 폴드하네요

HardMoneys: checks

Aris9911: bets 922

HardMoneys: folds

Uncalled bet (922) returned to Aris9911

Aris9911 collected 2050 from pot

Aris9911: doesn't show hand


PokerStars Hand #147644364331: Tournament #1452553760, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (150/300) - 2016/01/25 20:53:19 JST [2016/01/25 6:53:19 ET]

Table '1452553760 4' 9-max Seat #8 is the button

Seat 1: antuniss (15033 in chips)

Seat 2: Bond 1407 (25275 in chips)

Seat 3: grecu2006 (1403 in chips)

Seat 4: foupro (41026 in chips)

Seat 5: dezza15823 (15051 in chips)

Seat 6: HardMoneys (31866 in chips)

Seat 7: MarcusCosta1 (4528 in chips)

Seat 8: arozinov (16895 in chips)

Seat 9: Aris9911 (18593 in chips)

antuniss: posts the ante 30

Bond 1407: posts the ante 30

grecu2006: posts the ante 30

foupro: posts the ante 30

dezza15823: posts the ante 30

HardMoneys: posts the ante 30

MarcusCosta1: posts the ante 30

arozinov: posts the ante 30

Aris9911: posts the ante 30

Aris9911: posts small blind 150

antuniss: posts big blind 300

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Aris9911 [8s 8c]

Bond 1407: folds

grecu2006: raises 1073 to 1373 and is all-in  -----> 초숏스택 올인

foupro: folds

dezza15823: folds

HardMoneys: folds

MarcusCosta1: raises 3125 to 4498 and is all-in -----> 숏스택의 리레이즈 올인

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