이거 원래 콜해도 되는거맞음?

❇️ 홀덤라이프 인증업체 ❇️
가입코드 : u888
❇️ 홀덤라이프 인증업체 ❇️
가입코드 : vvv777
❇️ 홀덤라이프 인증업체 ❇️
가입코드 : u888
❇️ 홀덤라이프 인증업체 ❇️
가입코드 : pouu

이거 원래 콜해도 되는거맞음?
댓글 0 조회   442

게시글 보기

Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 - 6 Players -No Limit Hold'em - Converted by 포커고수

BTN ($34.36)
SB ($55.10)
Hero (BB) ($73.09)
UTG ($26.85)
MP ($30.14)
CO ($25)

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with Aspade.png Adia.png
UTG folds , MP folds , CO folds , BTN folds , SB raises to $0.82, Hero raises to $2.62, SB raises to $6.25, Hero raises to $13, SB calls $6.75

Flop: ($29.79) 5spade.png Kclover.png 9dia.png (2 players )
SB checks , Hero checks

Turn: ($29.79) Jheart.png (2 players )
SB bets $8.19, Hero calls $8.19

River: ($46.17) 4heart.png (2 players )
SB bets $33.91, Hero calls $33.91

Result : Total Pot $113.99 (Rake: $2)
SB (small blind) showed 6dia.png Kdia.png and lost with a pair of Kings
Hero (big blind) showed Aspade.png Adia.png and won ($108.20) with a pair of Aces
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