Application of NLHE part 1 : 상대방의 리버 콜이 수익이 나지 않게 만들기

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Application of NLHE part 1 : 상대방의 리버 콜이 수익이 나지 않게 만들기
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Making Our

Opponent Indifferent

to Calling on the River

상대방의 리버 콜이 수익이 나지 않게 만들기


A balanced riverbetting range consists of the right ratio of value bets and bluffs so our

opponent isindifferent to calling with a large group of hands commonly referred to as

bluff catchers since they only beat our bluffs. The EV of calling and folding onthe

river with a bluffcatcher against a balanced range is approximately 0.

Heres an example. The boardis the Ks 4s 2c 9d 7h  and we value betking-queen and better for a pot-sized bet (PSB) on the river. We also

bluff all handsworse than a pair of nines for the same pot-sized bet. Since our opponent

will be risking onepot-sized bet to win two pot-sized bets, he needs to win 33.3 percent

of the time when hecalls to break even.


(2PSB)(X) - (1PSB)(1-X) = 0

X = 0.333


 밸런스된 리버 베팅 레인지는 밸류뱃과 블러프이 알맞은 비율로 섞여 있어서 상대방이 블러프 캐쳐로 콜하는 것이 수익이 나지 않는다리버에서 블러프 캐쳐로 밸런싱된 레인지에 대해 콜하는것의 EV 거의 0 가깝다예를 들어보자 보드가 Ks 4s 2c 9d 7h 이고 우리가 KQ보다 좋은 핸드로 리버에 -사이즈로 밸류 벳하였다(PSB). 우리는 또한 9보다 낮은 페어로도 블러프 팟사이즈 벳을 한다상대방은 2PSB 이기기 위해서 1PSB  투자하는 것이므로  콜이 수익 분기점이려면 33.3% 확률로 이겨야만 한다.

(2PSB)(X) - (1PSB)(1-X) = 0

X = 0.333



That is, withouttaking into account card removal effects, we need to have two value bets

for every one bluffto make our opponent indifferent to calling with all hands weaker

than king-queen andstronger than seven-x.

The reason whymaking our opponent indifferent to calling is crucial is due to the fact

that when we bet theriver, our opponent is likely to have a bluff catcher. Thus, if we

bluff too much, hell always call withthese hands, and if we bluff too little, hell learn to throw these handsaway. Stated another way, using the wrong ratio of value bets to bluffs will give ouropponent the opportunity to correctly call or fold all of his bluff catchers, and excellentplayers will be sure to capitalize on this flaw in our strategy.

 카드 제거 효과를 고려하지 않는다면우리는 밸류벳 한번당 블러프 한번을 섞어줘야 상대방이 KQ보다 나쁘고 7x보다 좋은 핸드로 콜하는 것이 수익이 나지 않게 만들  있다.

 상대방이 콜하는 것이 수익이 나지 않게 만드는 것이 중요한 이유는 우리가 리버에 벳을  상대방이 블러프 캐쳐를 가지고 있을 확률이 높다는 사실 때문이다그러므로만약 우리가 블러프를 너무 많이 한다면상대방은 항상 블러프 캐쳐로 콜을  것이고우리가 블러프를 거의 하지 않는다면상대방은 이러한 블러프 캐쳐를  폴드할 것이다다르게 말하면 블러프와 벨류벳의 잘못된 비율은 상대방이 블러프 캐쳐를 완벽하게 콜하거나 폴드할 기회를 주게 되므로실력 있는 플레이어들은 우리 전략의 이러한 결점을 이용할 것이다.



On the other hand,if we do bet the river with a balanced range, our opponent should

respond by callingwith enough hands to make us indifferent to bluffing. These holdings

should alwaysinclude the hands in his bluff catching range which have the best removal

effects. For example, if our opponent has the KJ above, hes blocking some of our top pair combos andshould usually call.

반면에 우리가 리버에 균형잡힌 레인지로 벳을 한다면상대방은 우리의 블러프가 수익이 나지 않도록 적절한 핸드로 콜하는 대응을 해야만 한다상대방의 블러프 캐쳐 레인지들의 이러한 핸드들은 카드제거 효과를 최고로 받는다예륻르어 만약 상대방이 Kh Jc보다 좋은 핸드를 가지고 있다면 그는 우리의 탑페어 콤보를 많이 블록하고 있으므로 대개 콜해야 한다.

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